
The purpose of this website is to provide transparency to those individuals or companies who operate real estate related businesses on the fringes of the law. There is a fine line between “civil” and “criminal” matters and sometimes it is difficult to get the help that is needed to prevent those individuals or companies from plying their fraudulent trade with unsuspecting potential victims.

There are a great many people who have trusted the smooth talker, the friend with the big smile and the wonderful story. Sometimes too wonderful to be believable. An opportunity, they have been told, of saving a great deal or making a great deal. Either way, many times it is only a great deal or a great saving for the confidence (con) men or women who seem to have no problem with taking from others, only to leave them lying by the roadside, shocked, humiliated and often times broke.

There are a few websites that allow the cream to rise to the top and bask in the sunlight, however there are very few that upend the barrel and expose the sludge. This is one that is attempting to assist in shifting the tides and expose the bottom of the barrel.

